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Programming XML Web Service Applications

Web services are an important part of the .NET Initiative.  Much of our industry is moving into
the direction of delivering software as service objects on the Internet.  This tutorial is the last in
a series of tutorials about the .NET Framework, and it is on the topic of XML Web services.
The interesting thing about Web service programming with the .NET Framework is just how
easy it is.  So easy, in fact, that writing this tutorial poses an interesting challenge for me.  The
truth is that much of the infrastructure of the .NET Framework (many of the topics discussed in
earlier tutorials in this series) work together to make the developer’s task very simple and
productive if Web service software is what they are writing.  Technologies such as JIT
compilation, metadata, the Framework Class Library and ASP.Net are woven together to make
distributed web objects a breeze to both create and deploy.
Now that I have told you about the challenge I am faced with in writing this document, I will tell
you how I intend to approach the topic.  For those of you who have read many of the other
topics, this may seem like a diversion from the typical style.
First, I plan to prove to you how easy it is to develop a Web service, by walking through the
steps required to create one.  A side effect of step one is that you will learn what a Web
service is if you are not already familiar with the term.
The second thing I plan to do is show you how easy it is to call and consume the data from a
web-service.  These first two steps should take me about one to two pages of tutorial text.
After this, I hope to relay the motivations for Web services (why you should care about this
technology), and the infrastructure that makes them possible.  This will be what most of this
tutorial covers, because this is actually the most difficult part of the technology to grasp:  “The
why.”  The reason it is difficult is because web-services represent the beginnings of what could
turn out to be a substantial shift in the way software is developed, deployed, purchased, and
generally consumed by the world.  But I am getting ahead of myself.

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