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Structure & Header Elements of HTML Code:

Structure & Header Elements of HTML Code:

:::An absolute URL to resolve relative URLs
body::Holds content of the document
head::Holds additional information about the document
html::Root element of the document
link::Link to another resource
meta::Additional information about the document
script::Client-side script
style::CSS style information
title::Document title

Block Elements
address::Identify contact information for a document
blockquote::Long quotation
del::Deleted content
div::Generic way to group areas of content
dl::Definition list
fieldset::Form control group
form::Data entry form
h1::Level 1 heading
h2::Level 2 heading
h3::Level 3 heading
h4::LeveL 4 heading
h5::Level 5 heading
h6::Level 6 heading
hr::Content separator
ins::Inserted content
noscript::Alternate content for client-side script
ol::Ordered list
pre::Preformatted text
script::Client-side script
ul::Unordered list

Inline Elements
a::A hyperlink
abbr::An abbreviation
acronym::An acronym
b::Instruction to render text in bold style
bdo::Bidirectional text override
big::Instruction to render text in a large font
br::Line break
button::Form button control
cite::Citation or reference to other source
code::Computer code
del::Deleted content
dfn::Contains the defining instance of the enclosed term
em::Indicates emphasis
i::Instruction to render text in italic style
img::Content represented visually (as an image) and textually
ins::Inserted content
input::Form control
label::Form control label
map::Client-side image map
kbd::Indicates input to be entered by the user
objecT::Generic embedded object
q::Short quotation
ruby::Pronunciation annotations for East Asian languages
samp::Designates sample output from programs, scripts, etc.
script::Client-side script
select::Option selector form control
small::Instruction to render text in a small font
span::Generic way to add structure to content
strong::Indicates stronger emphasis
textarea::Multi-line text field form control
tt::TeleType or monospaced text style
var::Indicates instance of a computer code variable or program argument

List Item Elements
dd::Definition description
dt::Definition term
li::Ordered/unordered list item

Table Content Elements
caption::Table caption
col::Define attributes for a table column
colgroup::Define attributes for a group of table columns
tbody::Body area for a table
td::Table cell containing data
tfoot::Footer area for a table
th::Table cell containing header
thead::Heading area for a table
tr::Table row

Form Fieldset Legends
legend::Caption to a fieldset

Form Menu Options
optgroup::A grouping of selectable choices in an option selector form control
option::A selectable choice in an option selector form control

Ruby Annotations
rb::Ruby base text
rbc::Ruby base container for complex ruby markup
rp::Denote the beginning and end of ruby text
rt::Ruby annotation text
rtc::Ruby text container for complex ruby markup

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